3 Ways increase business to efficiency

I am often asked what I do when I reach capacity and my usual response is ‘there is no such thing’. 

Well, of course there is, we are only human after all. But there are a bunch of ways in which we can take on more work, without compromising on quality or giving up our precious time. You have already guessed what’s coming next, right? Automate, Integrate and Outsource. 

Automation – It’s not about AI and Robotics

Let’s start with automation. No longer a ridiculous fiction of Sci-Fi movies past, but a fantastically achievable marketing tool. Building automation into the foundations of your business has a lot of time-saving benefits, it will allow you to keep on top of tasks and check project statuses at a glance. Automation makes project management and marketing simplistic, with little oversight. You benefit from error-free workflows, as you can create automated email campaigns that fit your business requirements, and status dependent notifications within your wider projects.

Integration – Because it’s good to talk

When doing your research make sure to stay clear of tools that offer little to no integration. This leads me on to my second tip, integrate. We all know that collaboration is the key to success, I mean just take a look at the credits at the end of a Marvel movie… To create something truly special, It takes a team of minds, connected seamlessly, communicating effectively. This is why we need our project management and marketing tools to communicate just as effortlessly. Using tools and software that integrate well and streamline your efficiency. For example, if your team uses Slack for communication, Mailchimp for email campaigns and Hubspot as your CRM, then find a tool that brings them all together under one roof. I vote Monday.com, but that’s just my preference. 

Outsource – Build a winning team

There is a level of training and time commitment that goes into building these foundations, but you are busy enough. So my final tip is to outsource. Whatever crucial, time-consuming, non-income generating tasks you have, outsource. That includes the building of automated and integrated foundations. Why bother, when someone else can do it for you in a quarter of the time!

As I mentioned earlier, (and if you have ever asked me a question about project management tools, then you will already know), I am a Monday.com evangelist. This is why it always tops the list of project management recommendations. If you haven’t tried the tool yet then, grab yourself a free trial from their website or sign up with my promo code https://mondaycom.grsm.io/save-time. If you need any advice or training then drop me a message, I would be happy to help you get started.

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